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Re: [leafnode-list] Need Leafnode 2.0?

Doug Laidlaw <laidlaws@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Everything then compiled successfully.  The next question was: How do
> I tell my newsreader to look at the new directories?  It is pointed to
> my local host.

You'd need to change the xinetd.conf or inetd.conf line that points to
the old leafnode-1 executable, replace that by the new path and give
your [x]inetd a SIGHUP. Older xinetd versions need SIGUSR2 instead.

> (the first newsgroup): will fetch 100 articles (this limit was set by 
> initialfetch) 
> It then appeared to hang, but the news articles are there.  I had 97 the 
> first time, the remaining 3 on the second run, but it didn't proceed to the 
> next group.

I'd like to see a stack backtrace and possibly a "ngrep port 119" of
that session, make sure to overwrite the password in the ngrep trace if
you need to log in to your news server.

> The only error messages are to the effect that I don't have a "local.groups" 
> file.  I have no local network.

Just create an empty one: cat /dev/null >/new/prefix/etc/leafnode/local.groups

Matthias Andree

http://sourceforge.net/projects/leafnode/   - leafnode-1 tarballs
http://mandree.home.pages.de/leafnode/beta/ - leafnode-2 tarballs

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