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Re: [leafnode-list] groups listed twice in groupinfo, and other

Jan Knutar <jknutar@xxxxxx> writes:

> Having two newsgroups identical in names except for case sounds silly 
> to me, I don't know what the RFC says, but from a userfriendly point of 
> view number 2 would certainly be it... The question is just what to do 
> when the upstream has two groups with the same name, fetch from both? I 
> guess this would make things a bit more complicated in fetchnews
> though.

I think I'll go for the one with fewer upper case characters. Stupid,
but should be reliable. News group creation guide lines for most
hierarchies demand "no upper case" anyways, so likely the server you got
that alt.2600.AOL from is not maintained properly. (Its running INN
1.6mumble is a further hint to its administration status. If it had been
1.7.something NiD (News in Dosen), I might have understood that, but
1.6? Dose <German> = can, tin (the container/vessel)).

Matthias Andree

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