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[leafnode-list] different MD5Sum's of current leafnode


I just got the current version 1.9.32 via www.leafnode.org, to be 
precise, from the following URL via www.leafnode.org:


But this version has a different md5sum than in your announcement !!!

[malte_gell@eingang] ~/src > md5sum leafnode-1.9.32.rel.tar.gz

8e24c817d299e047f6ad550740638b72  leafnode-1.9.32.rel.tar.gz

In your announcement email:

> MD5 checksums:
> 1a612baf501a0d44ed0d003ce7a8a166 *leafnode-1.9.32.rel.tar.gz

Can you explain this ?


btw, why don't you sign the packages with youe GnuPG/PGP key ?

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