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Re: [leafnode-list] Segmentation error

Nicolas <oxstone@xxxxxxx> writes:

> Here's what I get in /var/log/messages:
> Jan 16 20:31:15 server fetchnews[30412]: news.nerim.net: Error: got unparsable 
> XOVER line from server, too few fields (0): ""
> Jan 16 20:31:15 server fetchnews[30412]: news.nerim.net: Error: got unparsable 
> XOVER line from server, too few fields (1): "^A"

OK, that's a problem of the server then, it sends bogus data.

> BTW, I'm now having the following error:
> Cannot obtain lock file, aborting.

Try using ps to find if there's any hung fetchnews or leafnode process,
and try to get a stack backtrace for the running process.

Matthias Andree
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