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Re: [leafnode-list] Have There Been Changes in leafnode ?

Le Mon, Feb 03, 2003 at 10:09:54AM +0100, clemens fischer a écrit ... 

> > 1. it must be successfully stat(2)ed for information
> > 2. it must be a regular file (symlink to regular file will work)
> > 3. it must be readable for the user news
> > 4. it must have a Newsgroups: header
> > 5. the upstream server must carry alt.activism.death-penalty
> > 6. it must have a Message-ID: header
> > 7. the message-ID must not be in use on the upstream server
> > 8. the upstream server must reply with 340 to our POST command

> how about setting the `x' bit on the file?  is it neccessary or is
> this version-2 specific?

Yes, this appears to have been what was causing the problem.  I changed the
file's mode to 755, and it was posted.  Thanks.


Desmond Coughlan          |'Io non mori, e non rimasi vivo'

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