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Re: [leafnode-list] fetchnews error

Chris Jones <linux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Chris Jones wrote:
>> I have just installed leafnode on my linux system. The installation
>> seems to have worked fine. However, when initiating the first
>> fetchnews, I am receiving the following error:
>> Fatal: cannot change or open spooldir: Permission denied
>> Can anyone tell me what I may have missed on the installation?
> Chris Jones schrieb am 2003-04-21:
>> I have just installed leafnode on my linux system. The installation
> 1. Which version have you installed?
> 2. How did you do it?
> Apologies for the mangled reply, but I had not configured my linux box mail client properly.
> The version that I have installed is 1.9.37
> I installed according to the INSTALL script in the package.

Make sure you're running fetchnews as user "news" or "root". Use su or
sudo or something if necessary. If you're already doing that, see if
"chown -R root:root /var/spool/news" (as user "root") helps.

Matthias Andree
leafnode-1 download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/leafnode/
leafnode-1 docs/new: http://mandree.home.pages.de/leafnode/
leafnode-2 homepage: http://mandree.home.pages.de/leafnode/beta/

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