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Re: [leafnode-list] Failed posting not reported & dots in the Path

Mike <mike--v@xxxxx> writes:

> Hello
> There is one thing that seems to be an omission to me.
> I have two news servers set up. One of them serves a group that I
> read, but it does not allow me to post. The second one lets me do the
> posting, but it does not serve the group.
> Now, when I post an article to that group, it will just stick in
> 'out.going' dir forever, without any notification in the logs -
> fetchnews -vv just omits the article and doesn't mention anything
> about inability to post it.
> I think it should report such a problem.

Indeed it should. Which leafnode version are you using?

> And the second thing.
> The server that allows me to post does not allow to "relay" articles.
> When I post using leafnode I get an 441 reply saying that "there may
> be no dots in the Path field". Yet leafnode requests a FQDN. How do I
> work it around (except deleting the offending line from articles in
> 'out.going' dir...)?

Short of editing articles in out.going, there is nothing you can do at
the moment. I'll have to look at RFC-977, 1036 and the current USEFOR
drafts to figure what I can do to solve this. If you're using leafnode
1.9.41, you can edit line 1228 ff, make that:

            if (!havepath) {
                if (fputs("Path: ", out) == EOF)
                    err = 1;
                if (fputs(fqdn, out) == EOF)
                    err = 1;
                if (fputs("!news\r\n", out) == EOF)
                    err = 1;


            if (!havepath) {
                if (fputs("Path: ", out) == EOF)
                    err = 1;
                if (fputs("news\r\n", out) == EOF)
                    err = 1;

That's the middle two lines removed and the ! removed from the last fputs.

Then recompile, reinstall and see if it helps.

Matthias Andree
leafnode-1 download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/leafnode/
leafnode-1 docs/new: http://mandree.home.pages.de/leafnode/
leafnode-2 homepage: http://mandree.home.pages.de/leafnode/beta/

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