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Re: [leafnode-list] Running well - thanks

Steve Mansfield wrote:

* For SuSE users (like me - I use SuSE 8.2), be aware that SuSE can mess with your 'hosts' file. Leafnode needs to have an entry in this with a fully-qualified domain name. But every time I install something or configure something with Yast, it messes this up. My computer is called 'scoop' and is found at So Yast writes an entry in the hosts file like this: scoop.local scoop
But I need to add a FQDN to this. I happen to own a few domain names, including montcocher.com, so I changed the line to:

Edit /etc/rc.config and modify the line containing CHECK_ETC_HOSTS="yes" to CHECK_ETC_HOSTS="no".
This should help - at least on my old SuSE 6.x up to 7.x it's like this.

regards Edi.

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