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Re: [leafnode-list] Running well - thanks

Steve Mansfield schrieb am 2003-09-03:

> * For SuSE users (like me - I use SuSE 8.2), be aware that SuSE can mess with 
> your 'hosts' file. Leafnode needs to have an entry in this with a 
> fully-qualified domain name. But every time I install something or configure 
> something with Yast, it messes this up. My computer is called 'scoop' and is 
> found at So Yast writes an entry in the hosts file like this:
> scoop.local scoop
> But I need to add a FQDN to this.

Apparently, SuSEconfig's hostname module nukes the line, at least on
SuSE 8.1. I'm filing a bug against SuSEconfig now.

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