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Re: [leafnode-list] Fetchnews running bars access to groups

Ed <mbhsys@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> I'm a newbie.  Just got LN working today!
> It seems that when fetchnews is running, the news client can't access any
> messages in any groups.  Even when the group desired is not currently being
> downloaded by FN.
> When I try to get message headers for a group, I get "No new messages" even
> though I know that new messages were just downloaded.
> Since FN may be running a large part of the time, that means that clients
> have no access for large chunks of time.
> Is that correct?

Correct. That's one of the shortcomings with leafnode-1, leafnode-2
gives a better user experience in this regard, but isn't officially
released yet (only alpha versions, but they work on my machine).

I have no intention to fix this in leafnode-1.

Matthias Andree

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