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Re: [leafnode-list] Takes hours to dl headers!

On Sun, 19 Oct 2003, Ed wrote:

> Something must be causing FN to be many times slower than my newsreader.
> Perhaps my newsserver doesn't respond properly to the protocols used by FN
> but that's just a guess.

I have seen such behaviour with BitKeeper (commercial application) on an
XFS file system that was mounted with "-o sync": takes four hours to "bk
pull" - which is not that different from fetchnews when it comes to the
file access profile.

What type of file system is your /var/spool/news directory hosted on?
Is it mounted synchronously? For Linux ext2/ext3fs, also run lsattr
/var/spool/news to see if it shows capital S among the dashes in the
left-hand column?

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