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Re: [leafnode-list] Groups Not Being Removed

Jeff Grossman schrieb am 2003-12-16:

> Okay, before I apply the patch from the other e-mail, I have a question.  I
> looked through my dormant.groups directory and those groups are not listed.
> But, I noticed that the groups do exist in interesting.groups.  In my config
> file I have timeout_short set at 2 and timeout_long is set at 7.  Those
> groups have not had any messages in them for quite sometime.  How come they
> are still in my interesting.groups directory?

It's a feature :-)

The issue at hand is: if there are no postings in the group, we cannot
tell if the newsreader still has the group subscribed reliably. We have
a ".last.posting" file in the group directory to track the date of the
last article that arrived in the group. Only if THAT file is newer than
the date the group was last read by "timeout_*" days, we'll drop the
group from interesting.groups.

> problem.  Those groups are not in my subscribed groups in my newsreader, so
> they should not be getting hit.  How can I look and see what dates or mtime
> or atime (not sure what those are, I have just heard them used) are for
> those groups in question?

Well, ctime also plays an important role because that is immune to
backups :-) The tools/ directory has a short Perl program, lsmac.pl, to
help you list these dates. Just use it with one or more directory names,
"." will be fine for the current directory.

> p.s. I was not aware of the 12/03 version.  Did I miss the announcement
> about that version?

I hadn't announced it because the changes over 20031129a were too minor
and not user-visible. You'd need a decent packet tracer to notice the
difference, and it doesn't practically matter in a LAN either.

NEWS excerpt:

20031203a: Changes since 20031129a:
- Cleanup: (nntpd) Avoid extraneous fflush() that causes the status line
  and the following input to be sent in separate packets, adding packet
  overhead. Add nntpprintf_as for this purpose.

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