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Re: [leafnode-list] Groups Not Being Removed

Here's the new section that is to become part of fetchnews(8) in
leafnode-2, feel free to ask, comment, ...

Note the @SPOOLDIR@ will be replaced automatically by ./cnofigure.

       fetchnews(8) will drop  newsgroup  subscriptions  after  a
       certain  amount  of  time a particular "interesting" group
       has not been read, unless run with the -n option.

       Leafnode(8) will track for each group  1.  when  the  last
       posting has been downloaded from the upstream (.last.post­
       ing), 2. when  an  article  in  the  group  or  the  group
       overview  data has been requested by a client.  The former
       is marked in the ctime of the .last.posting  file  in  the
       group  directory  (@SPOOLDIR@/group/name/.last.posting for
       the group group.name), the latter  in  the  ctime  of  the
       group.name  file below @SPOOLDIR@/interesting.groups. When
       the ctime difference between timeout_long,  the  group  is
       expired from interesting.groups. Use "ls -lc" or "ls -ltc"
       or the tools/lsmac.pl utility to view the  ctime(s)  of  a
       particular directory or file or set of files.

       For  a  newly subscribed group that has not been read more
       than once, the interesting.group/group.name's  ctime  will
       match  its  mtime.  In  this  case,  timeout_short applies
       instead of timeout_long.

       Dormant groups do not expire.

       Note that this time mechanism does not recover  when  your
       system clock is changed, so make sure your system clock is
       right. A few minutes off don't matter practially, and day­
       light savings time is invisible to leafnode.

       It  is a good idea to run some NTP software, for instance,
       "ntpd" or "chrony", against your ISP's  NTP  server,  when
       you've  got  a  permanent  internet  connection, or to run
       "ntpd -g -q -x" or "ntpdate" right after your dialup  con­
       nection goes online. Chrony and Ntpd are third-party pack­
       ages that do not ship with leafnode and the  documentation
       of which are beyond the scope of this manual.

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