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Re: [leafnode-list] tin: "Can't retrieve active" with 1.9.49.rel + 1.9.51.rel

Martin Klaiber schrieb am 2004-03-31:

> > Are you running tin in NNTP mode?
> This means, I'm not reading from the spool? Yes.


> > I have just tried tin
> Which version?

Sorry, 1.6.2.

> Ok, there are some differences in the syslog. First the output of
> leafnode-1.9.51.rel (with tin-1.5.12):

> | Mar 31 16:45:30 wallace leafnode[13651]: connect from localhost ( to localhost ( (my fqdn: martinkl.dialup.fu-berlin.de)
> | Mar 31 16:45:30 wallace leafnode[13651]: rereading /var/spool/news/leaf.node/groupinfo
> | Mar 31 16:45:34 wallace leafnode[13651]: <LIST
> | Mar 31 16:45:34 wallace leafnode[13651]: >215 Newsgroups in form "group high low flags".

Looks bogus. Where's the "MODE READER" log line? I have this - with
tin-1.6.2 and leafnode-1.9.51.rel. Just tried it.

> That's it. Nothing more.
> And now the output of leafnode-1.9.43.rel with the same tin-version:

> | Mar 31 16:55:31 wallace leafnode[13959]: connect from localhost ( to localhost ( (my fqdn: martinkl.dialup.fu-berlin.de)
> | Mar 31 16:55:31 wallace leafnode[13959]: rereading /var/spool/news/leaf.node/groupinfo
> | Mar 31 16:55:35 wallace leafnode[13959]: <MODE READER
> | Mar 31 16:55:35 wallace leafnode[13959]: >200 Leafnode 1.9.43.rel, pleased to meet you!
> | Mar 31 16:55:35 wallace leafnode[13959]: <XOVER
> | Mar 31 16:55:35 wallace leafnode[13959]: >412 Use the GROUP command first
> | Mar 31 16:55:35 wallace leafnode[13959]: <LIST overview.fmt
> | Mar 31 16:55:35 wallace leafnode[13959]: >215 information follows
> | Mar 31 16:55:35 wallace leafnode[13959]: <LIST
> | Mar 31 16:55:35 wallace leafnode[13959]: >215 Newsgroups in form "group high low flags".
> | Mar 31 16:55:40 wallace leafnode[13959]: <GROUP bln.announce.fub
> | Mar 31 16:55:40 wallace leafnode[13959]: >211 1 283 283 bln.announce.fub group selected

It's interesting to see that there is no MODE READER or related stuff in
the 1.9.51 logs.

Did you really use debugmode = 3 on either version?

If you did, I have no idea what might be the problem. Could you try the
attached Perl program, run it as

perl delayforward.pl -P 119 -M localhost -l -d0 -p 2120 -m localhost >log

and then connect rtin to port 2120 (choose anything you like). This runs
a trivial TCP proxy that can do nothing but to delay and to log
connections. -d0 switches the delay off :)

#! /usr/bin/perl -w

use Getopt::Std;
use Socket;
use Fcntl;
use IO::Handle;
use strict;
use Carp;

sub treatint() { print STDERR "caught interrupt\n"; 
		 close(SO); close(SI); close(SL); confess; };

$SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = 'treatint';

sub opts() { return "d:p:P:m:M:l"; }; 
sub usage() {
  print <<EOF;
  Usage: $0 [options]
    options are:
    -p local port
    -P remote port
    -l log
    -m local machine name
    -M remote machine name
    -d delay
  exit 1;

my %args;
getopts("p:P:m:M:d:l", \%args) || die usage();
my $lport = $args{p} || 0;
my $rport = $args{P};
my $lhost = $args{m} || "";
my $rhost = $args{M};
my $delay = $args{d} || 0.25;
my $log = $args{l};

my $timeout = 30;

my $proto = getprotobyname('tcp') or die "cannot get tcp number: $!";
my $rcvbuf = 4096;

sub cpy($$$) {
  my ($ff, $ft, $logpfx) = @_;
  my $l = sysread($ff, my $data, $rcvbuf);
  die "sysread: $!" unless defined $l;      
  if ($logpfx) { print $logpfx, $data; }
  my $w = syswrite($ft, $data, $l);
  die "syswrite: $!" unless $w == $l;      
  return $l;

sub delay() {

socket(SL, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) or die "socket: $!";
my $sin = sockaddr_in($lport,scalar gethostbyname($lhost));
bind(SL,$sin) or die "bind: $!";
  my ($listp, $listh) = unpack_sockaddr_in(getsockname(SL));
  printf STDERR "listening on %s port %d\n", inet_ntoa($listh), $listp;
listen(SL,5) or die "listen: $!";
setsockopt SL,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,1 or die "setsockopt: $!";

while (1) {
  my ($rin, $rout) = ('','');
  vec($rin, fileno(SL), 1) = 1;
  select($rout=$rin, undef, undef, undef) or die "select: $!";
  my $sout = sockaddr_in($rport,scalar gethostbyname($rhost));
    my ($listp, $listh) = unpack_sockaddr_in($sout);
      STDERR sprintf "connecting to %s port %d...", 
      inet_ntoa($listh), $listp;
  socket(SO, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) or die "socket: $!";
  connect(SO, $sout) or die "connect: $!";
  print STDERR "done\n";
  accept(SI,SL) or die "accept: $!";
    my ($listp, $listh) = unpack_sockaddr_in(getpeername(SI));
    printf STDERR "connect from %s port %d\n", inet_ntoa($listh), $listp;

  my $run = 1;
  ($rin, $rout) = ('','');
  vec($rin, fileno(SI), 1) = 1;
  vec($rin, fileno(SO), 1) = 1;
  while ($run) {
    my ($nfound, $timeleft) = select($rout=$rin, undef, undef, $timeout);
    last unless $nfound; # timeout
    if (vec($rout, fileno(SI), 1)) { # got input on SI
      if (!cpy(\*SI, \*SO, $log ? "<" : "")) {
	$run = 0; 
    if (vec($rout, fileno(SO), 1)) { # got input on SO
      if (!cpy(\*SO, \*SI, $log ? ">" : "")) {
	$run = 0;
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