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Re: [leafnode-list] leafnode 1-9-2 / AUTHINFO direct nach Connect

Thomas Hochstein wrote:

[please write in English. Leafnode is not only used by Germans - the same
 is true for this list]

[short summary: he has a problem with leafnode 1.9.2 because this version
 authenticates only when requested by a remote news server. However, there
 are some news servers which will produce groups only when the remote
 client authenticates itself "voluntarily"]

This behaviour will be fixed in leafnode-1.9.3 and is already fixed in
the various beta versions which have been announced on this list. The
current beta is 1.9.3b6; if there are no problems with it, it will be
released next weekend. It is available from



/* Cornelius Krasel, U Wuerzburg, Dept. of Pharmacology, Versbacher Str. 9 */
/* D-97078 Wuerzburg, Germany   email: phak004@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  SP4 */
/* "Science is the game we play with God to find out what His rules are."  */

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