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Re: [leafnode-list] Leafnode 1.9.6 and TAB in headers

Matthias Andree wrote:

[tabs in headers will be allowed from leafnode-2.0]

> Still, RFC-977 employs the term "blank" here, thus, news are supposed to
> contain an ASCII blank (space) after the colon. It's just a violation of
> the "be tolerant (liberal) in what you accept" principle. 

I used son-of-RFC1036 as a guideline. In this document, a header is
specified as

               header          = start-line *continuation
               start-line      = header-name ":" space [ nonblank-text ] eol
               continuation    = space nonblank-text eol
               nonblank-text   = [ space ] text-character *( space-or-text )
               text-character  = <any ASCII character except NUL (ASCII 0),
                                   HT (ASCII 9), LF (ASCII 10), CR (ASCII 13),
                                   or blank (ASCII 32)>
               space           = 1*( <HT (ASCII 9)> / <blank (ASCII 32)> )

If I understand this correctly, a "space" may be one or more spaces or
tabs (or both mixed).


/* Cornelius Krasel, U Wuerzburg, Dept. of Pharmacology, Versbacher Str. 9 */
/* D-97078 Wuerzburg, Germany   email: phak004@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  SP4 */
/* "Science is the game we play with God to find out what His rules are."  */

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