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Re: [leafnode-list] Groupinfo file possibly truncated or damaged: 0

On Tue, 04 Jan 2000 14:34:26 +0100, hai scritto:

>munmap(0x40008000, 4096)                = 0
>stat("/var/spool/news/leaf.node/groupinfo.new", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0664,
>st_size=705365, ...}) = 0
>stat("/var/spool/news/leaf.node/groupinfo", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0664,
>st_size=788178, ...}) = 0
>sigaction(SIGPIPE, {0x4003ce30, [], 0}, {SIG_DFL}) = 0
>time([946992388])                       = 946992388
>getpid()                                = 16369
>write(3, "<59>Jan  4 14:26:28 fetchnews[16"..., 80) = 80
>sigaction(SIGPIPE, {SIG_DFL}, NULL)     = 0
>unlink("/var/spool/news/leaf.node/groupinfo.new") = 0
>stat("/var/spool/news/interesting.groups", {st_mode=S_IFDIR|0775,
>st_size=1024,...}) = 0
>open("/var/spool/news/interesting.groups", O_RDONLY) = 4
>should I delete groupinfo in the meantime so that newlen > oldlen-10000

I deleted some lines from groupinfo so that it's smaller than the
groupinfo.new I see in strace.

Now it works, no more errors about disk full, and the newsreader gets
the articles that leafnode downloads.

However I still don't have any groupinfo.new when nothing is running.


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