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[leafnode-list] 1.9.x vs 2.0 - posted articles immediately appear in local spool

I think this new to Leafnode 2.0 versions.

If I post an article, it immediately appears in my local news spool.
What if posting to a moderated group and the moderator decides not to
let through my posting.  In this case, there is an inconsistency
between my local spool and all other news spool around.  (I know, news
spool will never be totally synchronized...)  I may even ask myself
why nobody is answering...

Is there a config switch to restore the old behaviour (post article,
download it, save it to spool)?  If not, I'd like to have one :)

Raymond Scholz - rscholz@xxxxxxxx - PGP - http://www.zonix.de/

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