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Re: [leafnode-list] allow / deny certain groups

Here's the script... hope it's useful!


# dofetch -- add some special processing to fetch
# Fetchnews normally works in an automatic manner, fetching
# groups which have been recently requested by users.
# This shell script provides a bit more control over what is
# fetched.  It can either
#    1.  fetch groups in a pre-specified file
#    2.  fetch groups based on a particular user's .newsr file
#    3.  fetch groups on the command line
# License as per leafnode, share and enjoy!
# Mark Harrison, markh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

# First clean things up.  This is not strictly necessary, but
# it's convenient in many cases.

# 1.  Hardcoded list.  Put the newsgroups list, one per line,
#     in the file "my.interesting.newsgroups"

groups=`cat my.interesting.newsgroups`

# 2.  Newsrc.  Put the path to your own newsrc file below.
#     *** comment this out if you use method 1 ***

groups=`grep : /home/markh/.newsrc|sed s/:.*//`

# 3.  Command line.  If a list of newsgroups is given on the
#     command line, just fetch those newsgroups.

if test $# -ne 0; then
    echo fetching only groups: $groups

# Now that we have the newsgroup list, zap entries in the
# interesting.groups directory, repopulate the directory,
# and fetch news as usual.

rm -f /var/spool/news/interesting.groups/*
for i in $groups;do
    touch /var/spool/news/interesting.groups/$i
/fetchnews -vvv

Mark Harrison                          AsiaInfo Holdings, Inc.
markh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                Beijing/Santa Clara

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