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[leafnode-list] Local groups.

I've downloaded leafnode 2.08beta (fresh install, no nntpd running
before).  I wanted to setup for local news groups only, but had no
success so far.  The INSTALL file says that local groups should be
listen in the file 'local.groups', but 'local.groups' is created
by 'make install' as a directory.

What is correct, and how shall I create/describe local groups in
a directory?

This news server is running RH 6.2 and is not connected to the
internet, therefore I cannot get any "external" newsfeed, but
it seems like I have to create a 'server = ' statement in the
config file...

Vennlig hilsen / Best regards     |\     ___,,--,        _
Arne Hanssen, Senja, Norway       /,`--''        \-,,__,'/
http://home.c2i.net/nite/arne    |,4   ) )_    ) /~-----'
http://home.c2i.net/bkgras -----'---^~(_/-_)--(_/_)-------

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