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Re: [leafnode-list] leafnode 2.0b8_ma8rc2 available

Hi Matthias,

it's me again. I downloaded and installed ma8rc4.
On both tested system (SuSE 6.0 and 7.0) configure/make went smoothly.
I installed it on my server (SuSE 6.0), ran fetchnews -f and could read 
new news - so all fine.

First, there seems to be a serious change in the hashing of message-IDs:
The slrn-command <esc><p> <esc><1><p> <esc><2><p> which get 
parent-article, or reconstruct a thread by issuing HEAD or XPAT commands 
don't work, the articles are not found, e.g.:

 >XPAT References 79752-94976 *<3C21099F.CCED0470@xxxxxxxxx>*

<221 References header matches (from overview) for postings 79752-94976:
 >HEAD <4b3d299fsq.fsf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

<430 No such article: <4b3d299fsq.fsf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

So is there any chance to use the old spool from leafnode 1.9.19?

Additionally I have some minor remrks regarding config and documentation:

- config.example is outdated and would produce a lot of warnings, as my 
config did. Same holds for README.html, regarding config.

- fetchnews(5) describes the filter, it should propably be renamed to 
read fetchnews.filter.5

- fetchnews(8) states, that the description of filters is in 
leafnode(5), which is wrong.

- leafnode(8) has an outdated description of the config file. As the 
config file is used by fetchnews and leafnode it should propably be a 
separate file named leafnode.5 or leafnode.config.5.

Besides of warnings, regarding the order, like this:

config: "initialfetch=200" found in section of server news.nextra.at,
please move it to the top of any server declaration
                            in front of any ...

I had these additional warnings:

Unknown config line "groupexpire at.linux=60" ignored

What's wrong here?


Cannot read Newsgroups from /var/spool/news/in.coming/bad, deleting
cannot unlink /var/spool/news/in.coming/bad: Operation not permitted
Cannot read Newsgroups from /var/spool/news/in.coming/bad, deleting
cannot unlink /var/spool/news/in.coming/tmp: Operation not permitted

# l
total 4
drwxr-sr-x   4 news     news         1024 Feb 10  1999 ./
drwxr-sr-x  25 news     news         1024 Dec 20 11:19 ../
drwxrwxr-x   2 news     news         1024 Feb 10  1999 bad/
drwxrwxr-x   2 news     news         1024 Feb 10  1999 tmp/

# l /usr/sbin/fetch*
-rwxr-x---   1 root     news       299638 Dec 20 11:19\ 

I don't know, what's up with these to dirs.

Thanks again,

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