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[leafnode-list] 2.08 beta ma7.6.

At last I've commented out some lines in Makefile and Makefile.in
regarding 'rnews' so 'make / make install' would complete.  Then
I added some lines in '/etc/leafnode/local.groups' file (eks):

local.test Test group on local server

(I have/had 2.08-"official"-beta running already!)

Now I can get group 'local.test' listed in my news-client, but
I'm not able to post anything or read messages (obviously).
When I subscribe and click on the "Leafnode placeholder msg."
I get an error saying that this message does not exist and so on.

When I look into /var/spool/news/ there is a directory called
local.groups (sorry Andree, I've written a message on this list
some weeks ago where I confused this directory with the *file*
'/etc/leafnode/local.groups' which the docs mentioned - I guess
the *directory* in '/var/spool/news' should exist).

Anyway, this directory (local.groups) is empty.  I've tried to
create the directories 'local' + 'local/test' - but it makes no

What is missing / am I doing wrong?  Any hints would be helpful!
What is rnews anyway?  Will I need it if my newsserver were to
exchange news from an internet news server?

Vennlig hilsen / Best regards     |\     ___,,--,        _
Arne Hanssen, Senja, Norway       /,`--''        \-,,__,'/
http://home.c2i.net/nite/arne    |,4   ) )_    ) /~-----'
http://home.c2i.net/bkgras -----'---^~(_/-_)--(_/_)-------

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