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Re: [leafnode-list] rnews -- usage?

Tim Koenig schrieb am Samstag, den 28. September 2002:

> > Is "eber" or "eber.gnuu.de" your UUCP site name perchance? Then the
> > germany.net (gnuu.de) UUCP server will think your news is looping
> > because it already has your site name and silently discard it. (silently
> > because news articles shall never give rise to error mails except when
> > posted to reflector groups)
> Can you elaborate that further? My understanding of the Path:-entry is
> that "the rightmost name will be the name of the originating system".
> That's "eber.gnuu.de", in my case. (I don't generally want to have the
> article sent back, I do use an nntp-newsreader to verify if my articles
> are accepted by the server or not while testing.)

Usenet news transport systems will look at the Path: header and if they
see their own name, they will drop the post. (Leafnode does not
currently check the Path because it's assumed that it's a transport
endpoint.) So, the upstream system must NOT be named eber.gnuu.de for
this to work.

> > Can you try adding "hostname = home.eber.gnuu.de" to your leafnode
> > config and place a new test post? If it goes through, then my assumption
> > is correct and everything is easy as long as you leave the hostname
> > parameter in.
> I did test this. The articles are still dumped. I think I'll have to
> install an INN and check the exact reasons... :-\

Or ask the upstream newsmaster to check his logs and tell you.

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