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Re: [leafnode-list] [leafnode-2.0.0.alpha] `fetchnews -P' leaves

Andy Piper <andy.piper@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Well the reason it is implemented in my current Leafwa alpha at the
> moment is "because it was there before". I guess with 1.9.x it is more
> useful since supersedes has to happen upstream (I think?). I've actually
> found this a useful feature for making tiny changes to articles before
> Leafnode gets a chance to propagate them to the ISP NNTP server, but
> maybe you're right.

Where the supersedes happens, depends. Unless leafnode has already
posted the article, doing it locally is fine. However, leafnode-1 has no
complete code for handling Supersedes, you'll have to leave the old
fiddling there for leafnode-1.

> This leads into a wider discussion, not for this thread, which is
> essentially "what should Leafwa allow an administrator to do"? I'll save
> that for another time and place.

And it's something that the person who installs leafwa must decide
anyways. I cannot meddle with site policies unless they're doing
something grossly insecure or stupid (hostname=localhost in old
versions, to name one).

Matthias Andree

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