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Re: [leafnode-list] Need Leafnode 2.0?

Thorsten Gunkel <tgunkel-lists@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> On Fri, Nov 15, 2002 at 02:15:29AM +0100, Matthias Andree wrote:
>> If you want to give it a whirl without killing your existing leafnode-1
>> version, use --prefix and possibly --sysconfdir to install leafnode-2
>> into a separate directory.
> . and check twice that --sysconfdir is set right. It may not default
> to PREFIX/etc and --sysconfdir='${prefix}/etc' may not work at all
> [1].

"Works for me" aka "Cannot reproduce". (leafnode-2.0.0.alpha20021108a)

I tried 1) --prefix=/var/tmp/ln2
        2) --prefix=/var/tmp/ln2 --sysconfdir='${prefix}/etc'

>> Note that you cannot share filter files or spool and you may have to
>> modify the configuration, so you cannot use --sysconfdir=/etc/leafnode,
>> try --prefix=/opt/leafnode2 --sysconfdir=/etc/leafnode2 instead.
> It also seems to be a bad idea to install the new spool within the old
> spool [2] because the old texpire seems to check the new spool, too.

Indeed, it is not possible to put a spool into a subdirectory of another
spool. Texpire will start cleaning out newsgroups it does not know after
a while (read: after the global expire).

With that prefix, the spool should be in
/opt/leafnode2/var/spool/news. You can also use
--with-spooldir=/var/spool/leafnode2, for example.

Matthias Andree

http://sourceforge.net/projects/leafnode/   - leafnode-1 tarballs
http://mandree.home.pages.de/leafnode/beta/ - leafnode-2 tarballs

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