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Re: [leafnode-list] fetchnews question

If you only want fetchnews to connect to your local server, then run it as
fetchnews -l.  That will only post to your main server and not the
supplement ones.

Jeff Grossman (jeff@xxxxxxxxxxx)

> From: "Stefan Bauer" <sbauer@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Reply-To: leafnode-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 15:24:34 +0100
> To: leafnode-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [leafnode-list] fetchnews question
> fetchnews has the -P option, which only posts new articles. I'm using it
> to reduce answer times.
> In the moment I'm using it manually, but I want to automate it as cron
> job. 
> First I noticed, that fetchnews -P always connects to the server. It
> doesn't look, if there is something to post. That's no great problem,
> because it's easy to fix with a small script.
> But second I noticed that fetchnews -P connects also to all supplement
> servers. Here I don't understand why. In my case this may be a problem,
> because I'm using some supplement servers, that are sometimes very
> overloaded and hard to reach (e.g. corel, informix). What are the
> reasons for that behaviour? How difficult would it be, to change it?
> -- 
> Stefan Bauer
> -- 
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