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Re: [leafnode-list] 1.9.11: article numbers (for some groups) have been reset to 2. Help!

On Wed, 5 Apr 2000, Joerg Dietrich wrote:

>On Wed, Apr 05, 2000 at 11:56:37AM +0000, Alan Mackenzie wrote:
>> To access Usenet, I am running Leafnode-1.9.11 and tin-1.4.0 on a Linux
>> system. I don't run texpire 

>> (i) It reported "Getting all newsgroups from <servername>", and took
>> some time downloading the list of newsgroups. Presumably this was
>> triggered by the "timeout_active = 90" setting in the config file;

>Yes, and this triggered a well known bug in 1.9.11. Please upgrade.

OK. I've upgraded to 1.9.12.

>> tin doesn't mark these articles as unread, which is inconvenient.

>This is strange but tin-1.4.0 has some other bugs as well. Try

tin presumably records in it's .newsrc that all articles below a certain
number have already been read, and it doesn't check for new articles
below that limit when it connects to a news server. Or something like

I'm waiting for 1.4.3 which will fix a specific bug which bugged me a wee
while ago. Upgrading tin is more of a hassle than upgrading leafnode. :-)

>> QUESTIONS: What is going to happen when the increasing article numbers
>> (43, 44, 45, ....) collide with existing articles? In one group, the
>> lowest article number is around 150 :-(

>Nothing. Fetchnews will then start to save them with article numbers
>beyond your original high water mark.

OK, thanks. I'll stop worrying about it.

>> Is there some quick fix I can do to set the current article number back
>> to what it should be?

>Run texpire. If you do not want to delete anything set expire to
>some astronomical value.

This didn't restore the high water mark to what it should be. Presumably
texpire only does this in a group when it has just removed old articles
from that group.

Can I fix my problem simply by manually editing the high water mark of
the affected newsgroups in the file leaf.node/groupinfo? Or are there
other files which would also need changing to maintain consistency?

If I want to "correct" the article numbers, I know I have to do these
three things for each affected article: (i) change the article file name
from, say, "43" to "15375"; (ii) Change "43" in the article's Xref:
header to "15375"; (iii) Change the article number in the pertinent
.overview file.

Do I also have to sort the .overview file, using the article number as
the sorting key? Are there any other files which need changing? Is there
any reason why I should want to restore these article numbers?

Thanks in Advance.

>	Jo:rg

Alan Mackenzie (München)

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