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Re: [leafnode-list] Demon News Servers

> > I am not sure what that means? Do you mean that Demon manages to
> > create, for example, articles 1, 4 and 5 and later (i.e. after the
> > next leafnode run) fills the gap with 2 and 3?
> This is a very unpolite behaviour, although not explicitly forbidden
> by any standard. Or am I missing anything?
> Is this piece of software widely used?

It announces itself as "NewsBorg", but I haven't got the version 
number to hand.

> > If yes, I must say that Leafnode cannot handle this.
> An ugly workaround could be "fetchnews -x".

What does the "-x" flag do?

> Fetchnews using NEWNEWS would be the proper solution.

Is that feature available? v2 maybe? <g>


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