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Re: [leafnode-list] leafnode 2.0b8_ma8rc1 available, features & fixes

I use slrn and the newsreader hangs when subscribing to a
not-yet-existing newsgroup.

I think I have found the problem: leafnode does not correctly terminate
a XHDR answer with a single dot in some situations.

Sample conversation:

  S -> C : 200 Leafnode NNTP daemon, version 2.0b8_ma8rc1 at irgendwo.switzerland.org 
  S -> C : 200 Leafnode 2.0b8_ma8rc1, pleased to meet you!
  S <- C >XOVER
  S -> C : 412 Use the GROUP command first
  S -> C : 215 information follows
  S -> C : <<<STUFF>>
  S <- C >NEWGROUPS 011219 123849 GMT
  S -> C : 231 List of new newsgroups since 1008758329 follows
  S -> C : <<<STUFF>>
  S <- C >GROUP comp.risks
  S -> C : 211 1 1 1 comp.risks group selected
  S <- C >XHDR Path
  S -> C : 221 First line of Path pseudo-header follows:
  S -> C : 1 comp.risks

And the connection hangs, because slrn is waiting for the dot and
leafnode is not sending one.

Apparently leafnode does not issue an error message if I request a
bogus XHDR header:

  $ telnet localhost 119
  200 Leafnode NNTP daemon, version 2.0b8_ma8rc1 at irgendwo.switzerland.org 
  GROUP comp.risks
  211 1 1 1 comp.risks group selected
  XHDR Path
  221 First line of Path pseudo-header follows:
  1 comp.risks

and leafnode again does not send a single dot line to signal the end of the XPATH answer.

I removed the xhdr section from nntpd.c because slrn can cope with
servers that don't have XHDR, so this works for me now.

 - Andi

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