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Re: [leafnode-list] could not hand over lockfile to child

jom1@xxxxxxxxxx writes:

>> Posts that leafnode has accepted will always have a proper Message-ID
>> (MID for short from now on), provided that the hostname is correct. If
>> you want a different hostname to appear in the MID's domain part, you
>> can use the "hostname" option in /etc/leafnode/config to achieve
>> that. No need to nuke MIDs.
> "to nuke" ? what's that ? to attack with a nuclear weapon :-))

Actually, yes. In this context, I meant "blow away".

> I can use the "hostname" option ?

Yes. (Please do NOT write spaces before punctuation marks except opening

> Perhaps...
> . but the newsreader I'm using already generates a MID line and I can't
> suppress that behaviour. :-(

Yes, you can (Netscape 4, 6, 7): Put your E-Mail address into quote
marks, like this:


That way, Netscape will no longer create a Message-ID.

Matthias Andree

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