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[leafnode-list] Fetchnews via ssh - How?


I'm trying to figure out the correct method to retrieve news from my
ISP with Leafnode via ssh.  

Long ago I put this in my /etc/leafnode/config and it didn't work then.  I
didn't get around to troubleshooting it and can't remember where I got it from
or if it is even close to correct.

		preconnect  = su gctaylor -c  "ssh -f -C -L 
		5119:eskinews.eskimo.com:119 -l gctaylor eskimo.com
		sleep 20 > /dev/null"

I've tried many variations of this.  What's listed above produces a SYN to
port 5119 of my ISP and a RST-ACK back to me.  I thought putting
server=localhost in place of my ISP might work but does not.  It produces
Leafnode trying to read from my local spool(non-existent)
/var/spool/news/leaf.node/localhost.  If I take out my ISP on the server= line
then fetchnews complains about not having a correct config file.

I can collect news from my ISP if I wanted to put my username and
password in config file like I used to.

Leafnode 1.9.17
Linux 2.2.17-21mdk 

Any suggestions?


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