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[leafnode-list] Not propagating certain groups

I have local groups and use mail2news unfortunately some email causes a
problem in mail2news and the article gets dumped into the junk newsgroup

fetchnews them posts my private email to my upstream news server :-(

Is there any way of preventing this prom within the leafnode config?
Do filter files work in both directions? - though I wouldn't want the item
_not_ posted locally, I just don't want it to go anywhere else

I thought of making junk a local group but I see that the README says
   If you choose a newsgroup name which exists already on an upstream
   server, the newsgroup is not treated as a local one.

And once I inspect the news item in junk I get an interesting.groups entry
and I get everyone elses junk... fortunately the pronblem doesn't happen
too often!



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