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Re: [leafnode-list] groups listed twice in groupinfo, and other

Jan Knutar <jknutar@xxxxxx> writes:

> One last question, would |sort|uniq|sort be enough of a hack to fix the 
> groupinfo file for now, or would it be wiser for me to restore from 
> backup?

If you're to try that, please run fetchnews -f and see if the problem
persists. 1.9.30.devel1, http://mandree.home.pages.de/leafnode/, has
conditional code to check the active file ordering and complain if it is
out of order (including duplicate entries), to enable those checks, you
must run (you can also add -DCHECKGROUPORDER to CFLAGS on a fresh

make clean

It may slow down leafnode a bit to an extent I have not benchmarked,
that's why there is no --enable-, runtime option or documentation yet.

Matthias Andree

http://sourceforge.net/projects/leafnode/   - leafnode-1 tarballs
http://mandree.home.pages.de/leafnode/beta/ - leafnode-2 tarballs

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