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Re: [leafnode-list] newbie - can't get list of groups

Ed wrote:

Hi Eduard,

Thanks for your feedback.

I should have mentioned that Netscape is running on the same Linux box that
is running Leafnode.

Well, it was in between the lines. The prob seems quite general and not related to c/s architecture.

I don't think there should be any dns issues in that case. That's why I set the news server in Netscape as "localhost".

In your solution, it sounds like you ran Netscape on a client.

Am I correct?


As a test, I tried connecting from a client.  I opened port 119 on my
firewall.  When I try to retrieve the list of groups, I get "Connection

If you say "firewall", then, did you *really* open the port (to your inside LAN)? Did you restart - as a measure of safety - the firewall, to get the changed configuration. When i'm trying to reconfigure my beast, then i never succed on the first attempt :-)

Try to stop the firewall. Try a "telnet myhost 119" - do you still get "connection refused"?

Good luck! Ed

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