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Re: [leafnode-list] Web administration - leafwa

Jeff Grossman <jeff@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Would you prefer for us to file bugs via Sourceforge?  The problem is I use
> Leafnode 2.0, and I don't believe you have Sourceforge set up for the 2.0
> branch.

Well, for bugs reports, there are the "1.9" and "2.0" groups at

OTOH, with the current flow of bug reports, it does not really matter,
and if you are unsure if it's a bug, then I'll turn nobody away from the
mailing list.

It's just that not a single leafnode bug has been filed at sourceforge
yet and I wonder how many of the 100+ downloaders actually use leafnode

Matthias Andree

http://sourceforge.net/projects/leafnode/   - leafnode-1 tarballs
http://mandree.home.pages.de/leafnode/beta/ - leafnode-2 tarballs

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